IDŐPONT: 2018. szeptember 27.
HELYSZÍN: Petőfi Irodalmi Múzeum
IDŐPONT: 2018. szeptember 27.
HELYSZÍN: Petőfi Irodalmi Múzeum
Tervezett program
14.00 Köszöntés
14.05 Bevezető gondolatok a hatásmérés margójára
Eszter Elemér, elnök, THBE
14.10 Társadalmi hasznosságú befektetés? Hogyan látja ezt a THBE?
Beszámoló az Egyesület középtávú stratégiájáról.
Héjj Tibor, Felügyelő bizottság elnöke, THBE
14.20 Társadalmi hatásmérésről a gyakorlatban konkrét eszközökkel
Amanda Feldman, Igazgató, Bridges Fund Management, Bridges Impact+
14.50 Társadalmi hatásmérés, az EIF módszertana
Társadalmi hasznosság alapú pénzügyi ösztönző rendszer
Cyril Gouiffes, Befektetési Menedzser, European Investment Fund
15.10 Társadalmi hatásmérés panelbeszélgetés
Amanda Feldman
Cyril Gouiffes
15.30 Befektetői panelbeszélgetés
Johannes Weber, CEO, Ananda Ventures
Tóth Bence, ügyvezető igazgató, Susterra Capital Zrt.
Thomas Delalande, Partner, Impact Partenaires
Iváncsics Gergő, Team member, Impact Ventures
Moderátor: Nikolaus Hutter, New Paradigm Ventures, THBE tag
15.50 Kávészünet – Vállalkozói kiállítás
16.20 Esettanulmány – Bayer Foundation
Thimo V. Schmitt-Lord, CEO, Bayer Foundation
16.35 Alapok alapja panelbeszélgetés
Cyril Gouiffes, befektetési menedzser, Európai Befektetési Alap
Palotai Dániel, ügyvezető igazgató, MNB
Sipos-Tompa Levente, igazgatósági tag, MFB
Moderátor: Szabadhegy Péter, CEO, Arete Zrt.
16.55 Befektető vadászat
8 társadalmi vállalkozás pitchelése 4-4 percben
17.55 Összegzés
Nikolaus Hutter, New Paradigm Ventures, THBE tag
18.10 Networking – Borkóstoló
Elemér Eszter is Chairman of the Board at PBG FMC and Impact Ventures fund management companies. With decades of investment and entrepreneurial experience, he is directing the first social impact fund in Hungary.
Amanda works on the Impact Management Project, a collaborative effort by over 1,200 practitioners, from different contexts and countries, to agree on shared fundamentals for how we talk about, measure and manage impact. Previously at Bridges Impact+ and Volans, she specializes in innovation and investment strategy with funds, corporations, policymakers and entrepreneurs. She is a trustee at Future First Global, a mentor for Bethnal Green Ventures, an advisor to the Board of the Private Infrastructure Development Group (PIDG) and a member of Sandbox. She holds a B.A. in English and Spanish literature from the University of Pennsylvania and a Master in Public Administration (MPA) from the London School of Economics.
Johannes is managing partner at Ananda Ventures. He founded Ananda Ventures and built it up along with Florian Erber. Johannes is a very passionate entrepreneur. In addition to founding several start-ups, he possesses a strong desire to put business at the service of society. In 2006, he took a stake in PANDA Investment Management, an investment company that focuses on sustainable investments and a former partner of the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF). After selling his stake, Johannes decided to found Ananda Ventures in order to implement his vision for impact investing in Germany. Johannes was recognized as a ‘Young Global Leader of the World Economic Forum’ in 2014.
Cyril has been an investment manager within the venture capital team of EIF for the last five years. He is responsible for the management of EIF social impact instruments portfolio at EIF: Social impact funds investments Social Impact Bonds, co-investment with Impact Business Angels and Investments in impact incubators. His entire career within EIF has been dedicated to impact related activities, starting with microfinance in 2008. In this context, he was responsible for the implementation of the JASMINE programme, an EU initiative aimed at boosting the institutional capacity of microfinance institutions in Europe. Prior to joining EIF, Cyril gained unique field experience working with microfinance institutions in the Middle East. Cyril is an occasionnal lecturer on impact investing at EM Lyon and studied at Toulouse Institut d’Études Politiques where he received a Masters in Development Economics with a focus on poverty alleviation and local development.
Nikolaus Hutter is the Founder of New Paradigm Ventures, an advisory firm focused on accelerating the shift to an impact driven economy. He serves as an Advisor on Impact Ventures & Investment to the WWF in Switzerland, as a Director for impact investment firm Angello Capital Ltd in the UK, and on the Board of Heifer International in the US.
Together with Impact Hub Vienna, he co-founded the Investment Ready Program, an accelerator for social innovators, and the CEE Impact Day, an annual gathering for impact investors and social innovators in CEE.
Prior, he led the impact investor network Toniic in Europe, and worked in the VC industry for over a decade.
My special interest areas are frontier science and impact innovations.
I am passionate about the creation of social fiction and societal impact by applying purpose-driven tech innovations to the world’s biggest challenges. I see my role in the transformation of business excellence into the non-profit sector and in the connection of pioneering ideas to power, knowledge and funding. My dream: turning mega challenges into opportunities for progress and prosperity to bring better lives for the billions. Also I’d love to change public perception about the capabilities of the earth by using the disruptive power of innovation.
Peter Szabadhegy’s distinguished career includes banking, management consulting, venture capital and start-up investing, family business management, diplomacy, and charity organizations.
Besides his business endeavors in the past three decades in Central Europe, Peter recently served as Hungary’s Ambassador to the United Kingdom. He has and continues to serve in leadership roles in various charity organizations, such as the Fulbright Commission, Rotary International, and the Order of Malta.
After growing up, studying and beginning his career in the United States, he moved to Budapest at the age of 30, where he is now settled with his wife and five children.
Peter received an MBA from the University of Chicago and a Masters in Economics from the London School of Economics.