Public-Private Partnerships for Science and Technology Parks

European Commission’s EU Science Hub
Public-Private Partnerships for Science and Technology Parks
Public–Private Partnerships (PPPs) have been widely applied as credible models for the development and operation of public infrastructure. Through private sector involvement, the public sector manages to better control costs and debt levels and, in return, offers to the private sector access to new long-term investment opportunities. For PPPs to be successful, proper identification and management of risks are pivotal and reward mechanisms need to be carefully constructed to allow both sides to play to their respective strengths, benefit from the deal and extract value from it. This study intends to answer two key questions: (i) How to apply PPPs and similar partnering modalities (e.g. concessionary models) to the development and sustainable operation of Science and Technology Parks (STPs) and Innovation Districts? (ii) What are the key features of currently existing PPPs for STPs and Innovation Districts?
The publication also includes a case study of MIND, a project supported by PlusValue
MIND – Milan Innovation District, the first and foremost innovation district in Italy is growing: new funding for research & innovation projects, and the first batch of anchor tenants and corporate partners are ready to move in. Università Statale di Milano has just confirmed the plan for its new scientific campus that will bring 18,000 amongst top researchers and students on the site every day. Like most urban-related projects MIND was hit hard by Covid-19, but thanks to a joint effort, we coordinated early in the pandemic, a reboot plan that enabled the timely re-launch of its activities thanks to state-of-the-art safety measures for all workers and visitors. A new programme to fast-track certification of new medical devices to enter the market – called Primary Site – was successfully piloted with 10 companies at MIND. Finally, the target for zero carbon emission of MIND has been set for 2025 and already implemented confirming the entire site will be supplied by clean electric energy only. We have been working on MIND’s development from the beginning and are proud to see it grow.

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